Sunday Worship 1:00pm, Education Hour 2:30pm
Education Hour is a time of instruction prior to our Sunday Worship Service. Our format is different than many modern day churches, in that our covenant children are not segregated from our adults.
Our Education Hour begins with hymn singing, followed by a devotional prayer and then instruction.
The first part of instruction involves bringing the young children to the front of the church and teaching them doctrinal truths before the rest of the congregation. This a special time for the children and the adults. As our children are catechised, our adults are blessed not only through the teacher, but also through the children's responses and questions.
The children are then excused to the rear of the room, where they color and solve Christian word finds while within earshot of our adult instruction.
The adult instruction time is often topical and two-way in nature. The congregation is encouraged to ask questions and provide additional personal insight while the teacher discusses a particular doctrine or passage.